Tuesday 4 December 2018

And now she is six

Tamsin is SIX!!!  

My smallest, chubbiest, pinkest little baby is now a six-year-old.  She is tall for her age, with gangly long legs and arms, silky orange hair ("It's not red!" she insists), and pale, pale skin.  She is starting to freckle, and her dark brown eyes are sometimes serious, but usually laughing. 

Lettuce remember a few years ago:

Tamsin is imaginative and quick to joke.  She's a hard worker, and a reader like her brother and sister.  She is always twirling, singing, giggling and she's a natural runner.  She's cuddly and affectionate and loves with her whole heart. 

The morning of her birthday was rushed (we had just moved back into our flat the day before, so imagine the chaos), but she didn't mind - she opened up presents before school.

PJs?  No, Tammy Jammies!

We really have to stop letting the kids pick their own dinner venues.  We ate at McDonalds, then rushed home for cupcakes.

The following weekend, we held her party at a local leisure centre and invited lots of kids to run around like maniacs with balloons.  There were a few...um... hiccups with planning and preparation, which resulted in pin-the-tail-on-the-unicorn participants being blindfolded with toilet paper, and the candles being misplaced, so having to use an LED candle and our imaginations to make her wish come true. 
The birthday party - kids, balloons, and unicorns everywhere.

The gang - there was no shot that showed Tamsin's face!

A tired but happy girl snuggles into bed.

Keep growing, sweetheart!  You are amazing!


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