Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Don't give up on me!

The "real" posts have slowed down more than usual lately - mea culpa, mea culpa.

My excuses (which are all watertight and completely reasonable) are as follows:

  • Half-term AGAIN.  Honestly, you put kids in school, you think they're going to be at school for more than 5 weeks at a stretch.  This French/International system is forcing me to spend more time with my kids than any mother should ever have to (after the age of 5) (the kid, not the mother). (Oh, bother.)
  • Fevers!  Our local Boots seems to be always sold out of More Cowbell, so the Hufflings have had more than their share of illnesses lately.  Averaging 2.5 days for each bout, they tie me to the flat, meaning I have a restless dog, no real good excuse to not write, and a nap (sympathetic).
  • Actual focus.  I accidentally met with a life coach and have been tricked into setting goals against my will, which has led me to update my "resume", create a "portfolio", and "alienate three people whom I hold in the highest esteem by sending them a writing sample for their feedback".  It's going well so far, thanks for asking.
  • Other Social Media.  I finally did it.  I joined Facebook.*  AND, you might notice that I plumped up my portfolio by writing some new healthy eating/lifestyle articles on Medium, which you can check out here.  There will be more of these to come, and if you like them, please do share them (or "clap" for them on the site - it sends me warm fuzzies).
So, to sum up, there has been a dearth of "actual" blogging lately, but I promise to fix that soon.  I've been reading, reaching out, and trying very hard to become a Real Writer, but my children and their school life keeps conspiring against me.

* for career potential, possible job postings and fitness class covers, not as a social network.  So, if you "friend" me, just make sure that your expectations are low.

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