Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Huffmas 2010

(with deepest apologies to Clement C. Moore)

'Twas the morning of Christmas, and light on his feet,
One wee, joyful Huffling was ready for treats!

His sister was slower to get herself moving,
But soon got the hang of it all (and was groovin').

The stockings were hung by the staircase with care

With big hugs for Daddy, who helped put them there.

Santa had come and left behind toys
For only the best little girls and good boys.

With her plump, rosy cheeks and her eyes oh-so-cute,
Ailsa sure rocked Vaughn's old Santa suit.

Vaughn's still in his jammies and Ailsa's in her cap,
And Mommy's ready to take a long winter's nap.

We headed to Grandma's for dinner and for cheer,
And lifted our glasses to another great year.

With yet another fun Christmas behind us again,
We want to wish Merry Christmas to all of our friends.

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