Thursday 23 April 2009

3 months old and full of smiles!

Life is getting back to normal again, after a last-minute whirlwind trip to Ottawa, where we spent 2 1/2 days downtown and 3 in North Gower. As always, the little guy travelled like a champ, and impressed the people on the airplane to bits. He also was very happy to meet friends and coworkers from RCMP and PCO, as well as birthday breakfast friends and other revelers! And Grandma and Grandpa agreed, again, that he's a really good baby. Go Vaughn!

I'm so sorry to the people that I was unable to get in touch with or meet up with, but I promise to do better in June, since I have more notice, and email access too! (So mark your calendars for mid-June: 11 - 21st, I believe)

Here, Vaughn and I are dressed in our Easter-appropriate clothing.
As you can see by our faces, we think it's awesome.

Below, the V-man gets double-teamed for bathtime in the kitchen sink. Also awesome.

And finally, getting into nice fresh jammies and having his hair fluffed, just so. Awesome.

Note: his hair actually does this on its own, to a slightly lesser extent, and I have such a limited window of making him look silly and fluffy, so naturally, I can't resist.

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