I was picking up baking supplies in Trevor (and yes, of course I played with the handbrake, but there wasn't enough snow or ice yet... patience...), and admiring the Christmas lights, and of course, what should come on the radio but "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas".
Needless to say, I was a wreck by the time I got home.
Despite the sobs, the Domestic Goddess managed to bake a double batch of cherry-coconut macaroons, freeze 6 dozen of them, clean up, and help around the house a bit before I fell into bed. Well, before I hefted myself up into bed, anyway.
The renovations are almost done! The painter comes in today, so in another week, tops (fingers crossed!), maybe I can build a crib and dresser or something. It doesn't look like I'm very pregnant, does it?
Speaking of that, everybody into the pool! We've developed a nice little baby pool for the Huffalump, with scoring and a well-formatted spreadsheet and everything, so start emailing in your guesses on:
- Date (my estimated due date is January 7th)
- Time (to the closest hour)
- Sex (50/50 chance!)
- Length (in inches)
- Weight (in lbs and oz)
The prize, so far, is bragging rights, but we're open to suggestions!
Original artwork on the wall is by my Very Talented brother-in-law, Ryan.
Wow - sway back you are right! And check out the chestile tissue! YOU GO GIRL!
Since I know you want to be just like me, here are my submissions to the pool:
1 - January 18 (11 days late!)
2 - 11pm
3 - Boy
4 - 18 inches (you're much shorter than me, so you can't have everything).
5 - 8 lbs, 14 oz.
Here's my bid:
1 - January 16 (I actually thought this was the due date and I really think it will be - sorry!)
2- 6am
3 - Boy
4 - 21 inches
5 - 7 lbs, 6 oz
1 - January 10th (20100110)
2 - 3 pm - nice afternoon birth
3 - girl
4 - 20 inches
5 - 7 lbs no ounces.
Your boobs are GIGANTIC - Full of milky goodness! It's a wonder you can even stand upright.....
1 - January 14
2 - 10:10 am
3 - boy
4 - 19 1/4 inches
5 - 6lbs 15 oz
January 11th, 5:00pm
Boy, 19", 9 lbs 2 oz (you may be small, but you're super healthy!!)
Pool submission:
- December 27th - judging by most recent picture, there's no way you can go longer without exploding ...
- 3 a.m. - just because babies like to appear at inconvenient times...
- Girl! - because, though they can be cute and lovable, they are also stubborn and pesky ... and it's payback time!
- 19 inches - a nice average amount. Hey, even you were 19 inches at birth!
- 7 pounds - I know, you were only 5 lbs 4 oz, but I wasn't as 'HUGE!' as you are!!!!!
;-) Mommmmmmm
p.s. Winner of the pool should be flown to your bedside within a week of the Big Event!
Pool submission:
January 6th
12 noon
20 1/2 (Chris is tall!)
6 lbs 5 oz
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