Sunday, 3 August 2008

Cedric does Calgary

SO...Cedric, who was still pretty upset about being left behind for both the Huffintastic X-Country Adventure AND the trip to Napa, kindly (yet gruffly) accommodated my request to come on my long road trip to Calgary.

I was all prepared: traveling gnome, audiobook (this one was a nice, light, pleasant experience, unlike the last fiasco)... the only thing I forgot was snacks. (HUGE oversight!)

The drive was quick - the book-on-tape really makes the time fly, and keeps me awake, too! Good weather, and not too bad traffic, got me into the city by 6. We changed and went out for dinner at the Chicago Chophouse, which had, unfortunately, not changed their Stampede prices back to their regular prices. But it was gooooooood.

Cedric, look out!

We spent Saturday morning shopping (in a REAL MALL!), then drove up to Airdrie. We met up with Chris' mom, brothers, and brother's gf (hi Nouha!), and then went off to the 50th anniversary party.


Cedric loved the beautiful pictures of the bride and groom that were on the tables!

And Mr. Spilly had a great time! He fully endorses the Tide stick for any and all encounters of the spilly kind.

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